It has been 2 weeks since Yuylia has been here has been here with us. Here are her top 10 things she loves the most about America.
10. Top Ramon (Raton in Russian)
9. Hot Dogs
8. Clothes
7. Pop Music
6. Ice Cream
5. Shoes
4. Friends Anastia (this is her 2nd cousin)
3. Learning English and teach me Belarussian
2. The weather (go figure)
1. The ocean...that is all she has asked us to do with her!
She seems to really enjoy it here. She told the interpreter that she did not want to go home. Although, I think she misses her family, but we are a perfect fit to make her feel just at home.
As much as I try to feed Yuylia healthy foods she will really only eat fruit. She most nights just wants ramon or hot dogs. I feel bad but I guess I would rather her eat then not eat or it is better then a bowl of cereal. She is so funny!
We took her to the Dentist and she has a lot of cavities, but lucky for her a lot of them are on baby teeth that will fall out within the next 6 months to a year. So she has 4 permanant teeth that will need fillings. This is not bad and we are excited it will only be 2 visits.
She did fantastic at the dentist after being so afraid because of her experience back home. Dr. Sharma was honest and I think Yuylia likes having a female doctor. She has been brushing and flossing everyday. It has motivated me to be better about it as well.
Well till next time.
1 comment:
i just stopped by to check out your site again and it looks like you guys have been busy! (this is Jeff herring's wife, btw) How cool that you have yuylia there for the summer. what a blessing for all of you. I bet she's having a blast! You have a beautiful family! I hope the rest of your summer goes great!
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