I woke up at 1:18am this morning about 10 minutes before my alarm was to sound. I went to bed at 9:30pm last night, but did not get much sleep as I was worried sick I would miss the alarm and have to pay to have Yulia fly home. I kept having these horrible dreams we missed the flight or got the time wrong. So needless to say I was not sleeping very hard last night.
I got up and had 2 cups of coffee and my body thought this was very strange. Yulia got up at 2am and got dressed (very slowly). She was very sad to go, but I think it started setting in that she was going to see her family at home. She got to make one last phone call to her mom and that put a big smile on her face.
It was a quiet ride to the airport and most of the morning. I tried to let it all settle in, but it has all gone by so fast. Faster then you can say "chicken scratch" she was off to security check and we were saying our goodbys at 4:30am. We both cried. She really was/is such a sweet little girl! I pray we will be able to bring her back again next year.
Thank you to all who helped us out to make her visit so special. She was sent home with lots of stuff for her family and for her. She got the best medical care while she was here and she felt so loved.
God Bless,