Reilly ~ Is back from his trip to Oregon with Mema and is settling in nicely. He had so much fun and did much better then I expected. I guess he loved all that attention from the ladies in the family. He loved hanging with Grandpa Chucker and I LOVED that he got a chance to spend time with him and grandma. He will remember this trip for a long time. He is learning to write a lot and loves to pretend and tell stories. He is really into John Deere trackers right now and anything John Deere. He has one t-shirt that we have to wash daily!

Natalie ~ Loves to be naked still and changes her clothes like 9x a day. She is potty trained and loving being a big girl. She is a mama's girl although she really likes to hang with dad while he is working outside. She is always on the move. I think it is another Grandma Joyce, Mema and me. She never sits for more then a minute before she is off to another task or into something else. She loves her friend Will. She is so happy and hilarious. It is hard to capture it all and she is growing sooooo incredibly fast.

Jason ~ Starts a new job on Monday. He will be working as a Project Manager for Triamp Group . He will be working Cavanaugh Automotive on the side and he has a guy coming to work for him at the shop. The doors are not closing as of now. Business has been really slow the past two summers and he had to make a change. We have been so fortunate to own our own business and to be able to afford to live on one income. God has continued to bless us and will continue in the future. He is trying to find time to hunt and watch football but it is hard to fit in with all the work he is doing. He heads to Oregon for a game on the 11th. He also lead worship at church last Sunday. It was so great to see the Jason I married 11 1/2 yrs ago up there singing away. I hope God allows him to do it again soon.

Me ~ As always busy, busy, busy. I am finding time to workout - yahoo! I take a Stroller Strides class three times a week with Reilly and Natalie. It is a one hour class with circuit and strength training with the kids in the stroller. It is so much fun and the kids love it. I am busy scrapbooking, doing MOPs, playgroups with friends and just hanging out. It has been an interesting start to Fall. I enjoy the time I have with Reilly and Natalie but I miss Liam. I am heading to San Diego in Oct to train to be a fitness instructor with Stroller Strides. My neighbor & friend Jenni bought a franchisee and I am helping her get going. I am so excited and hope to make it a business of my own one day.
Mema ~ I could not get away without mentioning her since she has been at our house for the past 2-3 weeks (off & on). Lets just say I have not thrown any chicken nuggets at her, she has not yelled at me and cried, we have not had any major melt downs so far so good. Yes, she drives me crazy sometimes, BUT I love her and she is such a BIG help. She is heading home on Sunday after being here a week, in Oregon a week and back here a week. Goobs came over this past week and took her out on a date. I guess she loves being retired (semi).