I am not kidding...we took the kids this past Thursday and headed up to Lake Kachees (other side of Snoqualmie Pass near Hyak Lake) to go camping. I actually drove up with all the kids on Thursday to make sure we got one of the 9 unreserved spots that were left. This is how desperate camping is getting. Yikes!
I thought I was prepared...but I was was not. We got there around 11am and I was amazed at all the open spots since online they showed up reserved. We found the best spot near the water so the dogs could swim and the kids could play. We got out and instantly we were being eaten by Mosquitos.
I of course did not think to bring the bug repelent with me in the car...no it was in the trailer that Jason was bringin up later in the afternoon. So we took a little walk to the Host's camp and bummed some spray.
Nothing seemed to keep those things away...it was really bad! When Jason got there around 3pm we were at the boat launch were the Mosquitos were not with about 20 other people trying to escape the attack of the bugs.

This is about how the next two days went. Gone were the memories of us sitting around the camp fire roasting mellows and singing songs as a family. Thank the Lord we have a trailer because that is where we spent the first night...roasting the mellows over a gas propane stove. Hey...we can still make memories, just not the ones we thought.

We spent a lot of time down at the beach because the wind was blowing and the Mosquitos were no where to be found. Of course, so did all the other people staying at Lk. Kachees. It was nice and the kids had fun.
Yulia has decided that camping is not her thing..."to cold, to many bugs and my shoes are dirty". Those were her words. She loved the Smore's, but kept asking when we were going home.
Natalie loved being with the dogs and had fun throwing a few tantrums. Liam discovered that he likes Frisbees and torturing Yulia. Reilly practiced his poses for the new "young men in training" Fireman's Calendar 2009. Jason enjoyed sleeping in the tent with Reilly were he got to sleep in..whatever! I enjoyed watching the kids get dirty and have fun even when the Mosquito's were eating them alive.

All in all we had a fun family time. We will not be camping by a Mosquito invested lake anytime soon. It is off to the Oregon Coast in August and then to Hood Canal in September.