Good Morning...it is a gloomy Thursday here in Black Diamond. I wake everyday just hoping there is blue sky and sun. Grrrr....
Liam is doing much better. No more barking cough. He has a slight cough but is acting normal and eating normal. I cancelled his Dr. Appt and will wait out over the weekend to see if he gets completely better. It is hard for me to pay $20.00 to go in and have them tell me there is nothing we can do but wait it out. I have been to the Dr. enough with all three to know when to go and when not to go. Oh and I have spent enough money too! Ha!
Liam will miss school this today and maybe tomorrow just depending on how he is doing. I have heard the fever sometimes comes back after a few days.
Nana is coming to visit this weekend and the boys are so excited.
Last night we took the boys on an adventure to Mexican (mommie did not want to cook) amnd then to Target so they could buy something with the spending money they have been saving. It was so much fun! The excitement in there eyes when they got to use there own money to buy a toy was fun. Liam wanted to know what he could save for next. It was decided he would save for a new plastic Tomy James and the old one he ruined playing with it outside. Reilly got a Garbage truck which is very loud, but he LOVES it. He thinks it was for his birthday. Too funny!
Have a great day!