So here is the deal...I ruined my camera over Memorial Day weekend. I left it outside by the campfire and it rained. It has been a very tramatic week and half without a camera. I have missed so much on film. But today I got a new camera in the mail...you might ask who sent it but those of you that know her will know...my mama. She misses my blogs so much that she bought me a new camera and it is awesome. Some diff. features from the other one, but great pictures.
Okay enough about all that. Here is what is new...
Liam is done with his first year of preschool and we will be homeschooling in the fall (kindergarten). He wants to learn to swim this summer and loves to ride his bike and play with his good friend Shane.
Reilly turns 3 next month and is growing up so fast. He is enjoying the summer and being outside with all the worms and bugs.
Natalie is walking or should I say running and into just about everything. She is trying so hard to keep up with her brothers. She is finally sleeping from 8pm to 5am - again after the ear infections.
Jason is busy with work as always. He is getting more involved with church as part of the production team and now getting into worship team again. He is going to sing a song on Father's Day by Rodney Adkins (country singer). He has been taking the boys golfing which they love and spending a lot of time with the kids while I work (Tastefully Simple).
I as always am ending out the year with MOPs and MOMs Club. Glad preschool is done and looking forward to the fall and homeschooling. Busy with daily life at home, but finding the time to do things that I love like scrapbooking, hanging with friends, and well talking - ha! ha!
We have a lot on our schedule for this summer. Up next...Morgans Bachelorette party on the 8-11 and then the wedding on the 16th and then some TS Parties. I have 5 parties booked for this month my best month yet. We will be doing some camping hopefully when our camper gets fixed. Jason is golfing when he can. We hope to visit family in OR sometime this summer and as always head to Yakima a few times.
Well I will now be able to post pics with my new camera. Oh yeah and here is my new kitchen table - thanks Jodi for the great FREE find.
Hope you all have a blessed day,