The Chicks are growing "James" the new one is the one in Red, he is a Rhode Island Red Pullett. They love to perch on this log I found outside. They boys went down to make sure James was fitting in tonight. They seem to all be getting along.
We had to sat goodbye to JuJuBee today. We took her back to the feed store because something was wrong. They said she probably has some neurological damage or is a weakling. I wanted to keep her but they suggested not to as the other chicks will peak at her until she dies. How mean! I did not ask what they would do with JuJuBee - but they gave us another bird we named James. Liam and Reilly were so good about the whole thing. I was sad - who knew one could get so attached to chickens - geez!
Jason and Liam have gone to Opening Day for the past 3 Years together. They were not going to go this year because we did not have tickets - but Jason got a call this afternoon from a good friend who had tickets and he rushed home to take Liam. They had a lot of fun together and brought home Mariner Mooses for the kids. Next year Jason gets to take both boys! What a blessing!!!!!!
Mema came to visit this past weekend and colored eggs with the boys. They had so much fun. Liam said he was to young to hunt only big boys could - I had to explain what it meant to hunt eggs. He is so excited. We had a great weekend! Rain, but fun!