My dearest and sweetest great-grandmother passed away this past week. She was almost 98 yrs old (Aug 12th). She fell in late Oct/early November and it was discovered that she had severe dementia. She had hip surgery and was placed in a rehabilitation facility. She was stubborn as a mule and did not like being there. Of course, after living on your own since the late 70's I would feel the same. She made friends and soon became known for her fiesty yet warm hearted side. She remained at the rhab/nursing home until this past week when she took ill. We knew she probably would not make it much longer and tried to get to visit her when we could. We will dearly miss her!
She is survived by her daughter Carolyn and Carolyn's son John (grandson), her son Chucker (my grandpa) and all of the family which includes 4 grandchildren (my mom), 7great-granchildren(me)and 3 great-great grandchildren. I am so blessed that she got the opportunity to meet our kids. Liam and Reilly know who she is and will have a memory of her forever. She lived an amazing life and had so much to share. I loved to listen to her stories and hear all about the adventures her and Papa had. I am glad that she has finally passed as the past year has been really hard for her.
I know that we will miss her smile and her geniune heart full of love. She used to tell us how her heart would "jump" when she got to see us.
These photos are of our visit with the kids in September. We saw her again
in Nov and then in Feb.