After Mema & Papka Goobs headed home we got busy. First, cookie dough for Santa's cookies, then naps and snack. Then we got all dressed up and attending Christmas Eve service for the first time in like 6 years. Seriously, it is crazy!
We had the joy of listening to the Three Wisemen play in concert at our church. One of my favorite singers is Timothy James Meany. It was beautiful and funny!
I snapped this picture of the kids before they got all undressed. Look at the way Liam and Reilly are watching over Natalie. She is one lucky girl!
It is 9:11pm the kids are all nestled in their beds and I am ready to get the ball rolling. My favorite part about the entire hyped up Santa Clause thing is the look on my childrens faces when they see presents under the tree and the memories it brings to read the Christmas Story.
We try so hard to make sure they understand Christmas is not just about Santa Clause and gifts, but about something so much more special. This year the boys really are beginning to understand. We are making Jesus a cake for his birthday. Liam said Jesus told him he wanted a Train cake...so a train cake it is!
I am reminded of all the fond memories I have of family and friends. I am so blessed to be loved and to love so many. May God Bless you and your families as you sleep tonight.
Love & Merry Christmas
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