We had a white Christmas this year. It is unbelievable the amount of snow we got. I laugh because in years past Jason as waited like an anxious child for the snow to fall (more then 1/2 in). He stays up half the night watching and waiting, and now he can not wait for it to melt.
While beautiful outside the cold weather has once again caused us some problems. We had a pipe burst in the kitchen (a faucet that was behind a cupboard) and flood the kitchen and the basement. We caught it fairly early but there is damage. We have dried out the basement and so far it looks good. Our neighbors came to help (Steve & Dwayne) and that was so nice. It was pretty crazy around here!
We have spent the week hanging with friends and enjoying the snow. I tried to make an igloo, but that took forever and I gave up after one round and a door. Reilly loves being in the snow. Liam would rather play the Wii and Natalie is wherever I am at.
Christmas was fun. We drove to Scapoose, OR and stayed at my Uncle Phil and Aunt Kim's house. The snow was crazy down there almost 2 feet. The funniest part is they lost power the morning we arrived and it was out when we left on Friday afternoon still. My aunt and family cooked dinner in the dark for 22 people. We had ham, scalloped potatoes and uncle Fred beans. It was so much fun. We played Phase 10 in the dark (by candlelight) and had a huge bon fire burning all the wrapping paper. It was so much fun visiting and see everyone. The kids got spoiled with all sorts of presents. Reilly made out with a lot of John Deere stuff, Natalie got some princess shoes she loves and Liam got a lot of Lego's.
We are now home nestled in the cold again with the fire burning and trying to stay warm. We plan to head to Yakima for the New Year.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. God Bless you all!
Love, Jess & Family

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